Friday, November 29, 2019
Is There A Difference Between Fashion Marketing And Normal Marketing Essay Example
Is There A Difference Between Fashion Marketing And Normal Marketing Paper Marketing is the process of anticipating a consumer need and then making or offering a product which satisfies the customer and also feedback is important to improve the product. Therefore, it is communicating the value of a product or service to the final customer. It involves the 4 Pââ¬â¢s of marketing which are Product, Place, Price, and Promotion. While Fashion marketing is the profession that takes the latest trends and designs in clothing and communicates them to a target market in such a way that the consumer is not only aware of the product, but wants to and ultimately does buy the product. It is the process of analysing, developing and marketing current fashion trends and determining and segmenting the customers. The goal of fashion marketing is to move clothing out of designerââ¬â¢s showrooms and into customer closets. Fashion marketing has increased competition as fashion gains exposure and has wider appeals. In this marketing, the fashion comes and goes according to the trends and the season. In fashion marketing, the customerââ¬â¢s needs depend upon the lifestyle of a person, for example a 22 year married girl will have different needs from a 22 year college going girl. In these types of market demand of product arises frequently and it get fulfilled very quickly. While in normal marketing the competition factor is less as there are no new innovations frequently because people prefer the same product more which they are using on regular basis. Fashion marketing involves a limited range of products such as apparels, accessories etc. whereas marketing is a wider concept and it involves a huge range of product such as FMCG products, automobile products etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Is There A Difference Between Fashion Marketing And Normal Marketing specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Is There A Difference Between Fashion Marketing And Normal Marketing specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Is There A Difference Between Fashion Marketing And Normal Marketing specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Fashion marketing targets a set of customers, who they think would be there potential customers and they communicate their product only to that target customers while in marketing the target audience is huge. In Fashion marketing there are no government interference i. e. there are no taxes levied on fashion products while in normal marketing there are taxes that are levied on the products ( like the price of a product is including all the taxes). Marketers in the fashion industry have to keep constantly analysing new trends and see if what they are doing is working or not. Then if it is not, they need to make the necessary adjustments in order to have success for themselves and the company that they represent. They are directly engaged with all of the aspects of advertising and promotion when it comes to their products. There is not much difference between fashion marketing and marketing but there are also things which are different in fashion marketing and marketing. Fashion marketing is a narrower term than marketing. Therefore, Fashion Marketing is an aspect of Marketing whereas marketing itself is a very wide concept.
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Realism Theory in Relationships of State and Non
The Realism Theory in Relationships of State and Non The three main theories used in international political economy are constructivism, realism and idealism or liberalism. Scholars commonly use the theories to explain economical events in the international political economy. Liberalists are concerned about private enterprise while constructivists are much concerned about wealth, political and material interactions of actors in the system.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Realism Theory in Relationships of State and Non-state Actors specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper uses realism theory to explain relationships among state and non-state actors in the international system. Realism is based on the idea that the international system exists according to the Hobbestian state of nature, which is anarchic and brutal. There is no centralized authority in the system. The influential states have powers that they use to subjugate the poor and powerless in the system. The paper evaluates three supranational regimes in order to understand the theory in detail. States agree to form governments that control internal affairs. It is not surprising that any sovereign state has the power to enforce and prescribe laws. These powers are limited in the international system because there is no Leviathan that controls the activities of all members. The first argument is that the US and other major powers use supranational organizations to further their interests ((Wolf 87). WTO is a world body that is charged with the responsibility of overseeing how countries conduct trade globally. Liberalists argue that the body is beneficial to all states that subscribe to it because they benefit from free markets and business opportunities. In the liberalistsââ¬â¢ view, the world organization in charge of trade is supposed to arbitrate on conflicts emerging from trade and commerce. Nearly all states in Africa, Europe, South and North America are members. Member state s are required to follow the laid down rules and regulations if they are to benefit from the organization. In this regard, the organization ensures that the interests of all states are catered for. Managers are answerable to states whereby they are called to explain inconsistencies during hard economic times. In the realistsââ¬â¢ perspective, the organization is the property of the rich nations, which is used to enforce compliance. The headquarters of the organization is in the United States meaning that everything is operated from there. States are usually forced to come into terms with unfavorable policies in order to be members. The Chinese case would serve as an example. China was requested to adopt some policies that would favor the West in order to be incorporated in the system.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Less developed countries do not actually b enefit from the organization. The organization allows US manufacturers to exploit markets in the third world but not vice versa. The third world is incorporated in the system as underdogs meaning that they assist the rich nations in producing goods. This is why the gap between the rich and the poor is widening day after another. The organization ensures that the poor states do not pursue interests that seem to contradict with those of the US. The organization is quick to slap economic sanctions to states that do not conform to the set rules. In the late 1980s to early 1990s, Libya was barred from exporting fuel to Europe, US and other friendly countries (Wolf 90). Oil trade nearly collapsed in Libya, which had caused sufferings due to lack of basic needs. This proves that states are usually in pursuit of their selfish interests not universal ideas. The US could have allowed Libya to sell its fuel to other states because citizens were suffering. This was never an issue to the US and WTO because Libya was non-compliant. Economic sanctions have been slapped to nations not because of misconduct but because of going against the wishes of the US and other major world powers. The second argument is that the US uses donor agencies to enforce compliance. IMF is a world organization that was established after the Second World War mainly to reconstruct Europe. This was an attempt to restructure European financial system after it was worst hit by the war. The organization offered assistance to European states that cooperated. After completion of its mission, the organization was turned into political tool that would subjugate and dominate developing countries. The US used the organization to restructure institutions of developing countries for its own interests (Milner 845). The organization forced many developing countries to restructure their governments in order to qualify for loans and other monetary assistances. For instance, the organization was effectively utilized in Kenya to boost American investment. The government, under Daniel Moi as president, was urged to privatize key national industries such as Kenya Airways, Rift Valley Railways and Kenya Ports Authority. Furthermore, the state was not supposed to interfere with the market meaning that prices of commodities could be determined by market logics (Milner 851). The Kenyan government suffered a lot because it had to retrench some of its employees in order to qualify for the IMF loan. The IMF program introduced in many countries was referred to as structural adjustment program (SAP). Liberalization of the economy benefited the US and other developed nations because they exploited the poor with cheap goods.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Realism Theory in Relationships of State and Non-state Actors specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Finished goods were imported from developed countries while raw materials were exported to the US and other developed nations. This was seen as unbalanced trade because Kenyan citizens could not afford processed goods, which were originally Kenyan. To ensure political compliance, the US used IMF to request third world leaders to accept multiparty politics (Stone 346). Accountability was demanded from leaders before they could qualify for monetary assistance. This ensured that US joint ventures were managed well. The US entered into contracts with governments of the third in order to construct expensive projects such as Geo-thermal power plants and ports. Such projects could not yield needed profits without proper management. This is why accountability became a pre-requisite of assistance. The organization was effectively used to further the interests of Americans because US firms took over major investments in Kenya and the whole of East African region after the introduction of SAPs (Stone 349). The third argument claims that developed nations relate with developing co untries in terms of natural resources. It is true that the US and other major powers in the international system are led by their selfish interests not world ideas. The US and other powers have been reluctant to intervene in Somalia militarily because national interests would not be achieved. Somalia does not have oil and gas that may attract foreign powers. This can be compared to the Middle East where each world power is camping there mainly because of oil and gas (Gholz and Daryl 465). The US has been planning to sell military radar to Saudi Arabia mainly to strengthen diplomatic ties. The US would reap maximally from the deal meaning that national interests drive a country to participate in world affairs actively. The US could not intervene militarily in El Salvador to save the lives of many people who were undergoing brutal treatment from an autocratic regime because national interests would not be achieved. The European gas crisis also proves that a state cannot participate in world politics without an interest. In Europe, there are two competing pipelines that is, Nabbuco and Nord. Nabbuco is owned by the Russian government and has a backing of the EU. Britain and the US have been supporting the construction of Nord pipeline because it would benefit them in future.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nabbuco cannot be wrestled from Russia because it is also a major power (Rosato 54). The British government and the US have justified the erection of Nord conduit claiming that Nabbuco cannot effectively supply gas to Europe. Such arguments are based on the Turkish gas conflict where Russia delayed supply because of diplomatic reasons. Critics of realism theory argue that states offer assistance to the needy out of goodwill. This could be witnessed in times of catastrophes where countries in conflicts help each other (Rosato 53). For instance, the US offers humanitarian assistance to some Middle East and Asian states during earthquakes but gets nothing in return. This could be witnessed during the Japanese nuclear accident. The US was in frontline offering technical assistance to Japan. This argument could be valid but the reality is that the US intervenes to further its interests. In the Japanese case, the US intervened to gain political mileage in the world political arena. Hegemo nic powers are strengthened by participating in important events. It can be concluded that national interests drive a state to act in the international system. Constructivists and idealists are misplaced by believing that states act to restore order and justice in trouble regions. Somalia case would act as an example, where major powers are silent because they would not get anything by intervening. Kenya has been forced to intervene militarily because its national security is in danger. Tourists have been abducted more than once, which has greatly affected the tourism industry. It should not be forgotten that Kenya generates more than 20% of the total revenue from tourism. Al shabaab militiamen are therefore a threat to Kenyan interests. Gholz, Eugene and Daryl, Press. Protecting the Prize: Oil and the U.S. National Interestâ⬠. Security Studies, 19.3, 2010, 453-485. Milner, Helen. ââ¬Å"Globalization, development, and international institutions: Normative and Positive Perspec tivesâ⬠. Review Essay, 3.4, 2005, 833-854. Rosato, Sebastian. Europes Troubles: Power Politics and the State of the European Project.â⬠International Security, 35.4, 2011, 45-86. Stone, Randall. How to Reform the IMFâ⬠. Current History, 109.730, 2010, 342-348. Wolf, Martin. Why Globalization Works. 1st ed. Sydney: Yale University Press, 2004.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Information Systems Security Survey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Information Systems Security Survey - Essay Example The program ensures that all the managers that work in the different centers follow the compulsory security requirements that have been put in place and make their decisions with an aim of reducing the risks. The managers should also be made aware of the risks they face when using these automated systems and electronic information. The top priority here is to protect the companyââ¬â¢s information. According to previous reports of IRS the recurring cases of information security weakness puts it at a risk of fraud, disruption or inappropriate disclosure of sensitive information. As a result, the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) states that every agency should form, record and implement a security program for the whole information system that seeks to promote the organizational assets with minimum risks (Grance, 2003). IRS has delegated the responsibility of the development and maintenance of an information security system to Cybersecurity. The main responsibility of Cybersecurity is to identify and monitor any Cybersecurity threats and putting up strategies to combat any breach of security affecting IRS. Cybersecurityââ¬â¢s main duty is to prevent any incidents of insecurity with IRSââ¬â¢s information security system. However, it does not formulate the information security policies on behalf of IRS. In this survey, it is recognized that over time the consumer prefer internet-based services. The applicants can download forms online, check their refund status and get updates. This shows technological advancement in making the whole system online and also gives a platform for the IRS to provide new services for some of the customer needs that emerge. The customers main need in using online services is that their needs be met wherever they may be located (United States, 2003). With mobile application by IRS, it has been
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Commercialisation Plan for Nano Tube Solar Panels Technology. It is Research Paper
Commercialisation Plan for Nano Tube Solar Panels Technology. It is one of the assignments for Innovation Management Topic - Research Paper Example Many devices have been developed for this from the ancient times itself; one of them is the solar panels, which is used to capture and convert solar energy into thermal energy. But the key challenge in solar panel technology is the identification of efficient and cost effective method to convert, store and use solar energy. This has encouraged the development of Nano Tube Solar Panels. It advanced solution to energy requirements, that too in a cost effective manner with a greater efficiency. Earlier silicon panels were used which used highly doped p-n junction in between two pure silicon crystals to form the panel. This panel was so difficult to make as it requires semi conducting material which is highly doped with phosphorous or arsenic to give its character and it should be grown between two pure silicon crystals at high temperature. This manufacturing process is very costly as well involves many risks. Also this type of panels has very high payback time and very short life span T here is a wide need for a change in the source of energy for public and private requirements. Government announces some energy conservation plans, of which one of them was ââ¬Å"non conventional energy sources like recovering energy like solar energy should be used for lighting at public places like street lights traffic etcâ⬠(Jain 2009, p. 254). ... Carbon nano tubes are intrinsic p-type semi conducting material, usually made of titanium dioxide nano particles or rolled up sheet of graphene. Unlike in earlier version, in which sunlight is converted into electrons and utilized as electric current, here sunlight is made into nano particles, which can increase the efficiency by a larger means. According to Nanowelded Carbon Nanotubes: From Field-Effect Transistors to Solar Microcells Chongjin Chen, Yafei Zhang nanotubes are prepared by depositing organic films containing SWNTs on to a glass substrates coated with indium-tin oxide (ITO).As a final mix a sandwich configuration is made as Aluminum electrodes were thermally evaporated under vacuum to form a sandwich configuration. Because of the interaction of the carbon nanotubes with the polymer poly (3-octylthiophene) (P3OT), excitons generated by the light in the polymer allow charge separation of the photogenerated excitons in the polymer and efficient electron transport to the el ectrode through the nanotubes. The electrons travel through the entire nanotubes and then hop or tunnel to the next nanotubes. As a result of which electron mobility increases and balances the charge carrier transport to the electrodes. Here the compositeââ¬â¢s conductivity is also increased by a factor of 10. This process can increase the photovoltaic performance, by increasing the photocurrent by more than two orders of magnitude and doubling the open circuit voltage. ââ¬Å"Scientists now have a much better understanding of the complex interplay between the electronic and physical interaction polymer, and the fullerene component can assist in the design of the next generation of optimized organic solar cellsâ⬠(Lau
Monday, November 18, 2019
Synthesis paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Synthesis - Research Paper Example For a fact, autism is a complex condition that can never be associated with a particular factor. Rather, several factors contribute to a seemingly increase in the level of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) as seen in recent decades (Neal A et al., 2000). It is also true that the confusion existing about the causes of autism in the public domain has made primary care for patients with autism very challenging. Through critical analysis, the lack of information has caused the understanding of causes and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) challenging. This is evident in the current prevalence of autism particularly in post-industrialized nations. Another confusion that has dragged the efforts into the understanding of the condition is the existing doubts about the safety of MMR triple vaccine, is due to the fact that the single antigen vaccines has never been a concern of many health professionals. One can argue that that squabble falls because many ignore the safety of the single antigen vaccines. The lack of awareness of the correlation between MMR and autism in children can be attributed to the scientific evidence that is inadequate to many health care providers and an inability to judge MMR validity. In this regard, (Sengupta et al., 2004) advices that it is important that the various health professionals take this challenge and know all they are required to regarding autism. This according to their article would not only benefit them professionally but as well help them whenever they are advising parents of their clients. In a nutshell, the article explores the background to, and implications of, the confusion that MMR triple vaccine causes the autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Studying of autism on a broader perspective not only help in isolating the cause but likewise assist during diagnosis and treatment. Such a perspective is critical bearing in mind the tremendous increase in autism
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Musical Films In The 20th Century
Musical Films In The 20th Century In this paper I address the development and cultural influence of musical films in the 20th century. My primary motive is to understand how musical films gained such popularity and how they were used for social and economic purposes and resolve problems of religion, race and etc of this period. My concern are the ways in which how musical films became the most characteristic creation of the Hollywood film industry. I will take into consideration of the THE SOUND OF MUSIC which was written by Rodgers and Hammerstein, an influential and innovative American theatre writing team and directed by Robert Wise, the Academy Award winning Director. My central discussion will be around this film, starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, but before this I would like to briefly put some light on how music is essential for a film in general. Music has been a part of film almost since the beginning of motion pictures. Music originally had a practical use to keep the audience from talking and dull the sound of the noisy projector (Buchanan, 1974). At the crudest level, one might say that the music is there simply to keep the audience from becoming distracted (Williams, 1974) When silent film were first introduced the film projector used to make noise, so music was put in order to take over the noise of the projector In musical films the narrative is driven by the characters singing songs to enhance the story. The term Musical is not only the presence of music but a shared configuration of character types and plot patterns. Growth Of Musical Films The period between 1930 and 1960 was the golden age of musical films. Every country in the world started making musical films. In Europe during the 1930s musical films gained much fame. By this time, European directors got quite influenced and began making musicals by the 1940s whereas the British had already made a lot of musicals by then. The British used music hall stars and well known actors in their films. The movie, The Sound Of Music was a big influence for other countries to make Musicals. Robert Wise released his movie in 1965 showing that time of the 1930s which was marked by Nazism and movements opposing it. This movie is about a nun named Maria (Julie Andrews) who was sent away to an Austrian Naval captain, Captain Van Troops mansion, to be the governess for his seven children. Since Van troop had lost his wife and he needed a governess to handle his children. He maintained strict discipline in the house, and provided little fatherly love to his children. As the new governess, Maria tries to bring happiness into the family by reviving music amongst them by teaching the children how to sing Do re me and then later on making the children sing for the Baroness as well as by putting together a little show at the ball party hosted at the mansion. Seeing the lovely display, the Van Troop family is selected to sing at the Salzburg Folk Festival. Being an Austrian patriot, the Captain is strongly opposed to the Nazi takeover and Hitler. The music in the movie which is sung by the principle characters helps to advance the plot. The Hollywood film industry is on the top when it comes to creating musical films. But many countries like France, Egypt, Jamaica and Sweden have adapted the genre of Musical Films. In India most directors have been creating Musical films. India has always been very influenced by musical films. The Indian director Gulzar was highly influenced by The Sound Of Music in 1965 and thus, made Parichay in 1972 which had the same plot as the sound of music. Development of Musical Films Music has been used ever since the beginning of cinema. Before 1920 in America and Europe live musicians used to sing on the sets while the characters performed on the screen . During 1920s and 1930s America had made many music films such as The Jazz Singer(1927) by using new sound technology and creating locations on diegetic music. These directors used every type of music in films such as opera, classical music etc. America made over a 100 musical films in the year 1930. Many Hollywood directors used the same musical melodrama that consisted of a widow, a person unlucky in love or a family problem. By the early 1950s and the late 1960s Musical films were based on the political and economical movement which had taken place earlier. For example, in The sound of music, Captain Van troop was against the rule of Nazis over Austria, and in the second half of the film, the Captain gets a letter from the Nazi naval base, forcing him to come and command their ships. Van troop was escorted by the Nazi forces to the Salzburg Folk Festival, after which he had to be taken to naval base, but instead, after addressing his people here and singing for them for the last time, he escaped with his newly wedded wife, Maria and his children. The Classic Hollywood Musical 1933 was the year of change. Warner brothers began to produce musicals of a new kind. Now an economically viable combination of music a narrative was being attempted. Previously musical films had simply added music to familiar stories, Now it was mostly love making and mostly choreographed by Busby Berkley. Plots with dying children, selfish sisters and enemies were replaced by celebration of young couples love through the energy of song a dance. Warner back stage films, RKO films, Astaire rogers films and MGM films were all musicals examples Gold Diggers of 1935 and Broadway melody of 1936 etc. All of the movies bridged a gap between fancy costumes and distant upper class sets of operetta and the down to earth plots and music of folk traditions. During the mid 1930s the main feature of a musical were a formal narrative with the music and numbers linked through a story line, a romantic couple and the society or a community surrounding them, straight realism and pure rhythm merging, and a mixture of diegetic music and dialogues and dance. There were many post war attempts to build musicals such as Singing in the Rain (1951), The Sound of music (1965) and many more. In the late 1970s there was a strong revival of musicals. The movie displayed renewed ability to integrate contemporary music and more into the traditional structure of a musical genre. Cultural Influences of Musical Films United States of America was mainly represented abroad by the musical films for almost half a century. Their musicals was used for economical, artistic and social purposes. The history of musicals is often linked to the development of sound film technology and the relationship between Hollywood and the United States Music Distribution System. In 1929, In order to reduce the cost of obtaining music for sound films Warner Bros began to acquire music publishing companies. Other studies soon followed suit. In 1950s Columbia financed My Fair Lady which was also a musical melodrama directed by George Cukor. In the beginning public performances of songs helped a lot to the directors to publicise their musical films. Warner Bros used music for their own musicals. When 45 rpm records came, top forty lists and long playing albums also came . For 30 years Hollywood musicals were an integrated part of the lines of the music lovers. Sheet music was a part of families singing sitting together around the piano. Every new musical style was turned instantly to a dance craze and widely practiced in the ball rooms. Courtship and the community were the solutions offered by the musicals for every type of conservative social practices. All problem of religion, race and age were resolved for the central couple through the optimistic approach in the musicals which effected every household. America was recognised by this Americannes abroad, which influenced other media, musical styles and dress patterns around the world. In the late 1960s and 1970s the musicals even influenced the sermons and worship services of the American Protestant Church. At high school graduates as church anthems songs like Climb every mountain from The Sound of Music (1965) were heard. Bible based musicals were also produced such as Jesus Christ Superstar in 1973. Even in the movie Sound of Music the whole story was driven and narrated by music. The youth of these times loved films of Elvis Presley and Beatles. Rock concert films became predominant. The musical films gradually became a part of history, but have evolved in a different way. The 1980s video revolution , The music videos are one such culmination of this filmed recording of a musical spectacle. Conclusion In my discussion I tried to show that how musical films started and what all were the effects of musical films on other parts and other film industries of the world. As I discussed the starting of the musical films I saw how films changed with time, I also saw that there was a huge change in the plot and the story line of the films which were commonly used, Earlier each story consisted of a widow or a person unlucky in love or a family problem and every director used to have a live orchestra and musicians on the set while the actors were on screen and lip singing and then in the late 1960s the plot changed to a story of a romantic couple and the society and they used to take famous musicians like Beatles etc. Musical films helped the people to be aware of the political movements going on and also the economical and cultural purposes. America was the first country to make a Musical Film. Musical films also helped to resolve the problems of human beings such as race, age, religion and etc.Musical Films became one of the most popular genre and was adapted by many directors in the 20th century.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Canterbury Tales Essay - The Assertive and Vulnerable Wife of Bath
The Assertive and Vulnerable Wife of Bath Society was different in Chaucer's time; males dominated and women were suppressed.à The manipulative and destructive nature of women was emphasized by men. Much like Eve in the Bible, women were blamed for the 'downfall of man'. Through the Wife of Bath, Chaucer investigates the difficulty of self-realization for a woman in this restrictive environment.à The wife of bath, Alison, represents antifeminist stereotypes and searches for happiness and a place in a patriarchal society.à Unfortunately, Alison is never in tune with who she really is as a woman.à Chaucer uses a series of ironies to eventually show that under her seemingly confident guise, there hides the soul of a vulnerable, lost woman. The Wife of Bath argues in favor of women.à She disparages the works of the male scholars that denigrate women.à Using her "savage lion" analogy, she reasons that "if women had but written the stories", then such negative portrayals would not exist.à Therefore, at first, the Wife of Bath appears to be in favor of women's rights.à Ironically, the Wife of bath does not help women, her actions coinciding with the scholars' accusations. Alison DOES dress gaily, with her stockings of "fine scarlet red".à The color red is indicative of a quarrelsome, bold lady, as is the symbol of the gap in her teeth, to indicate licentiousness.à When she goes "walking out by night", and "followed on my appetite, Whether the lad was short, long, black, or white."(275), the Wife does prove to be adulterous.à In relationships with her husbands, the wife IS devious and deceitful, making up accusations to pre-empt any on the part of the husbands. Therefore, while on one level attempting t o protest the "negative s... ...son into obedience, and has been the partner who dominates and controls all along.à Her efforts to find true happiness are futile, and she lives a lie. The Wife of Bath is admirable in that she is assertive and has attempted to succeed in her life. Despite being a woman of the fourteenth century, her ideas, beliefs, and actions are more like a woman of the twenty-first century. She is truly a woman ahead of her time. Unfortunately, her restrictive environment prevented her from self-realization.à Therefore, she fails to effectively cope with and change her situation.à The wife of bath is a sad, lost woman, who used the wrong methods to find true love and happiness.à Hiding behind a confident mask, this woman is never truly free.à Works Cited: Chaucer, Geoffrey.ââ¬Å"The Wife of Bathââ¬â¢s Tale.â⬠The Canterbury Tales.Trans. Nevill Coghill. New York: Penguin, 1977.
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